
Montag, 25. Februar 2019

Ein kleiner Gruß von Herzen oder Maribel die 2.

Einen wunderschönen und vor allem sonnigen Montag euch allen!
Heute melde ich mich zurück mit einer weiteren Maribelkarte. Was soll ich sagen, das Stempelmotiv hat es mir einfach angetan und ich musste es auch in warmen Brauntönen verarbeiten.

Und so schaut die fertige Karte aus:

 Vielen lieben Dank fürs Vorbeischauen und bis bald,


5 Kommentare:

  1. Incredibly gorgeous! I love the monochromatic coloring, and the intensity of your brown tones! Thanks for sharing your crafty project at the Moving Along With the Times Challenge Blog, and for supporting us.We hope you will visit again. Please check back to see if you were one of the Top Picks. Leaving you with wishes for a wonderful day.
    {Creative Smiles - my little crafting world}

  2. This looks do beautiful, thanks for joining us at MAWTT. Xxxx

  3. such a stunning card. Love the colour tones and gorgeous details. Thank you for playing along at Creative Inspirations, good luck.
    Gina xx

  4. Lovely! Thanks for sharing with us at Penny's Paper Crafty Challenges and best of luck in the draw. Donna - DT Member

  5. Love the sepia color tones and tremendous details. Thanks for sharing your talent with us at Moving along with the times.
